
In order to book a stand for Mangaung Rose Festival™, please complete the following form in full and return to Mangaung Rose Festival.  Once your application is approved we will send you an agreement to sign.  Upon receipt of your proof of payment and all necessary documentation a stand will then be allocated. (Email to: admin@urth.co.za)

Food/Drink stalls: R500 for both days. Craft/Fresh stalls: R200 for both days

Application Form 2017

Important information

  1. The Mangaung Rose Festival is about celebrating all that is flowery, fresh, homemade, organic and arty. Products sold in stalls must do justice to this line-up.
  2. Product up for sale in crafts stalls should be hand made or uniquely imported. Mass produced products or products readily available in shops, would normally not be successful for consideration for the arts/craft market.
  3. Unique and hand made products would therefore enjoy preference.
  4. Exhibitors at the Bloem Night Market normally will get preference for stalls.
  5. In the event of more than one tender being received for the same food item, a tender system will be considered. The higher tender amount would normally determine the success of the tender.
  6. Tenders for food stall must be for one main product only. Side dishes and the sale of cold drink will be negotiated after successful selection.
  7. Please keep in mind that open fires are normally not acceptable. Gas as means of heating is preferred.
  8. All food stalls tenders exclude any electrical connection. This will be payable over and above the tender amount, once the specifics of the connection have been determined.
  9. All stall prices and food stall tenders are inclusive of vat.
  10. Should you have any additional queries, please contact Gavin at (051) 45 11 913
  11. No secondary sponsorships will be allowed. You will not be allowed to extend any publicity towards any sponsor of your stall or product without the explicit permission of the market coordinator.
  12. Placement on the festival ground depends on a large number of factors. Please discuss with the market coordinator.
  13. All payments must be made EFT by the 18 October. We do not accept cash payments.
  14. Please print the attached form and email to admin@urth.co.za.